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Learn How to Generate and Use the Reconciliation Discrepancy Report in QuickBooks Desktop

Reconciliation Discrepancy Report in QuickBooks Desktop

The Reconciliation Discrepancy Report in QuickBooks Desktop is a valuable tool for identifying and resolving discrepancies in your financial records. If you're experiencing issues with your account balances or having trouble reconciling your bank statements, this report can help pinpoint the source of the problem. Here, we’ll explore how to generate and use the Reconciliation Discrepancy Report in QuickBooks Desktop to keep your financial records accurate.

What Is the Reconciliation Discrepancy Report?

The Reconciliation Discrepancy Report in QuickBooks Desktop helps identify changes made to transactions that were previously reconciled. By showing who made changes, the type of changes, and the affected amounts, it allows you to track down and address discrepancies that could impact your account balances.

Why You Might Need the Reconciliation Discrepancy Report

There are several reasons you might need to generate this report:

  • Unexpected Changes: Identifying unauthorized or unexpected changes to reconciled transactions.

  • Unbalanced Accounts: Finding out why your account balances are not matching your bank statements.

  • Audit Trail: Maintaining a clear audit trail for financial accuracy and compliance.

How to Generate the Reconciliation Discrepancy Report

Generating the Reconciliation Discrepancy Report in QuickBooks Desktop is straightforward. Follow these steps:

  1. Open QuickBooks Desktop: Launch your QuickBooks Desktop application.

  2. Navigate to Reports: Go to the top menu and click on Reports.

  3. Banking Section: In the Reports menu, navigate to the Banking section.

  4. Select Reconciliation Discrepancy: Click on Reconciliation Discrepancy.

  5. Choose Account: Select the account you want to review from the dropdown menu.

  6. Generate Report: Click OK to generate the report.

This will provide you with a detailed list of discrepancies, including the date, transaction type, and the amount of the discrepancy.

How to Use the Reconciliation Discrepancy Report

Once you have generated the report, follow these steps to use it effectively:

  1. Review the Discrepancies: Look through the list of discrepancies to identify any unusual changes.

  2. Investigate Changes: For each discrepancy, investigate who made the change and why it was made. You might need to consult with your team or check the audit trail for more details.

  3. Correct Errors: If you find errors or unauthorized changes, correct them directly in QuickBooks. This might involve reversing changes or adjusting transactions to reflect the correct amounts.

  4. Communicate with Your Team: Ensure that your accounting team is aware of the discrepancies and the corrective actions taken. This can help prevent future issues.

  5. Reconcile Again: After making corrections, attempt to reconcile your account again to ensure the discrepancies have been resolved.

Tips for Maintaining Accurate Records

To minimize the occurrence of discrepancies, consider the following tips:

  • Regular Reconciliation: Reconcile your accounts regularly to catch discrepancies early.

  • User Permissions: Limit access to critical accounting functions to prevent unauthorized changes.

  • Audit Trail: Regularly review your QuickBooks audit trail for unexpected changes.

  • Training: Ensure your team is well-trained in using QuickBooks to prevent accidental errors.


The Reconciliation Discrepancy Report in QuickBooks Desktop is an essential tool for maintaining the accuracy of your financial records. By regularly generating and reviewing this report, you can quickly identify and correct discrepancies, ensuring your accounts remain balanced and accurate. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to effectively manage your reconciliation discrepancies and keep your financial records in top shape.

If you encounter persistent issues or need additional support, don’t hesitate to contact QuickBooks support for professional assistance.

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